May 17, 2020
We are thrilled to share with you the latest podcast interview with be radical Expert Lisa Kay Solomon.
Currently Designer in Residence at the Stanford d. school, Lisa focuses on bridging the disciplines of futures and design thinking, creating experiences like The Future’s Happening to help students learn and practice the skills they don’t yet know they need. At the, she teaches classes such as Inventing the Future with creativity guru Tina Seelig, where students imagine, debate and analyze the 50-year futures of emerging tech. A bestselling author, educator, and speaker, Lisa has dedicated her career to making design a more accessible, learnable, and expansive set of everyday leadership practices.
In our conversation with Lisa we discuss what it takes for leaders to navigate the complexities of our new world, asking better questions and the continued importance of actively creating the future.
In addition we recommend digging into the following articles from Lisa:
Enjoy listening! A quick reminder - if you want to hear more interviews with amazing thought leaders like this, check out our radical Digital Learning Partnership Program.
*Be well and stay safe — The be radical Team*